[Community Tournaments] Blaze and Whirl — PIXEL
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[Community Tournaments] Blaze and Whirl

Létrehozva: 21-10-21 10:00

The long-awaited Demon Slayer
[Hinokami Chronicles] has been released,
so we continue our tournament series!
We organise a community event now where
you are welcome on 27th November [on-line]!


↑ Kattints IDE
a részletekért magyarul!


The details of the community tournament:

♦ we postponed the in-person event to 2022
due to the pandemic situation, so
you could compete over the internet
for a symbolic prize;
♦ the fights were in ‘Double Elimination’ system
on the PlayStation 4 & 5 platforms;
♦ only European players could participate
on the community tournament; plus
♦ the participation was free, and you could even use
the trial version of the [PlayStation Plus]!




The live streaming of the event
can be watched on this channel




♣ Take a look at the summary of
our 10-year-old [NARUTO] series!
(in Hungarian)





Community Tournaments: Blaze and Whirl


Date: 27th November 2021 (Saturday), 14:00–18:00 (in UTC+1)


Locations: [PlayStation Network] for the game and
[Discord] for the communication.



The symbolic prize:

♣ The I. place
was rewarded with a decorative
fabric offered by



The supporters of the tournament:


NARUTO Video Game and
Anime-Manga Community

♦ PlayStation.Community




questions about this event
can be sent to our Facebook site or
to our games@kecskemet.co e-mail address!

: @KecskemetGames

Kategória: Konzol